Will Invisalign be Able to Correct My Smile?

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Will Invisalign be Able to Correct My Smile?

Today, Invisalign is a popular option for orthodontic treatment among teens and adults. However, many are skeptical about the Invisalign process because it is a relatively new technology. One major question that several patients ask is “Does Invisalign work better than braces?” Well, the answer is that neither works better than the other. They work differently, but achieve the same desired effect. Today, we’ve brought in Dr. Yakov Eisenberger and Dr. Rahul Gulati of Hanson Place Orthodontics to help define the process of Invisalign treatment in Downtown Brooklyn, NY.

What is it?

Invisalign is a practical alternative to traditional metal braces. Dr. Yakov Eisenberger and Dr. Rahul Gulati say that like braces, Invisalign will align and straighten your teeth, and will help position your teeth in regard to your bite. The clear aligners are made from a high quality thermoplastic that will slowly move your teeth into place over time. Since they’re completely transparent, they disguise well and nobody will know that you’re wearing them! You’ll wear your aligners for no less than 22 hours a day, taking them out to eat, clean, brush, and floss. Approximately every two weeks, you’ll change your aligners to a new pair that are slightly different from the last.

The Process

First, the Hanson Place Orthodontics associates mention that you should consult with your orthodontist to determine if Invisalign is right for you. However, there are some cases (like malocclusions, crossbites, etc.) that only metal braces can tackle. Although generally, Invisalign is just as effective as braces for treating gapped or crowded teeth, overbite, underbite, and open bite. If your orthodontist determines that you are a candidate for the program after your initial consultation, then you are ready to start your treatment. The second step involves creating a personalized treatment plan using 3-D images of your teeth with x-rays, impressions, and pictures. Dr. Yakov Eisenberger and Dr. Rahul Gulati state that your orthodontist will use these images in “ClinCheck,” a computer program that determines the stages your teeth will move in, and creates sets of aligners that correspond with the intended movement of your teeth. Each aligner can move your teeth from .25 to .33 millimeters. On average, treatment time takes about 13.5 months, or just a little over a year. Once your treatment is over, you should wear a retainer a night that will be given to you by your orthodontist.


Compared to the costs of other orthodontic treatment options, our friends at Hanson Place Orthodontics say that Invisalign is a clear winner. Ceramic braces, which are clear or tooth colored but are adhered to the teeth in the same way as metal braces, cost from approximately $4,000 to $8,000. Lingual braces, which are adhered to the back of the teeth for complete invisibility, are the most expensive. Their cost ranges from $8,000 to $10,000. Invisalign’s cost is most similar to that of metal braces, with braces costing about $3,000 to $7,000, and Invisalign costing on average $4,000 to $7,500.

So if you’ve been looking to correct your smile without unsightly braces getting in the way, Invisalign may just be the right option for you. Dr. Yakov Eisenberger and Dr. Rahul Gulati are certified Invisalign providers, and frequently use the system to help their patients achieve the beautiful, healthy smile they deserve. Call Hanson Place Orthodontics at 718.622.2695 today to schedule a consultation for Invisalign in Downtown Brooklyn, NY. You’ll be glad you did!


Your beautiful and healthy smile is just a click or call away!