Know Different Types of Orthodontic Treatment Options for Adults

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Know Different Types of Orthodontic Treatment Options for Adults

Orthodontics for adults is different compared to kids and teenagers. There are various reasons why adults still undergo orthodontic treatment for adults in Brooklyn. If you’re an adult considering getting one but don’t know which treatment option to get, then keep reading ahead! 

Why Orthodontics for Adults is Sometimes Necessary

There are a lot of reasons why an adult has a bad bite or crooked teeth and choose to undergo orthodontic treatment. One of the main causes of common orthodontic issues like underbites and overbites stems from genetics. Moreover, prolonged habits during childhood, like thumb-sucking and lip-biting, can also cause the front teeth to have a severe misalignment.

It’s also normal for our teeth’s position to change as we age, when we wear down or lose our teeth, or if there’s a development of gum problems. There are times when patients who had undergone orthodontic treatment when they were a child didn’t wear their retainers consistently, which resulted in a need for further orthodontic treatment now that they’re adults.

Metal Braces

This is the most known type of orthodontic device, commonly referred to as traditional braces. A lot of kids undergo this treatment due to its affordability compared to other orthodontic tools. There are metal brackets that adhere to one’s teeth, and the metal wire is threaded onto the brackets, exerting pressure on the teeth.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are similar to metal braces, only that it is placed behind the teeth. This is a great alternative for those who want to straighten their teeth but don’t want it to be obvious. Despite being placed at the back of the teeth, lingual braces don’t break off easily compared to metal braces.

They also work the same as traditional braces and are made of the same material. Your orthodontist will schedule an appointment every six to eight weeks to adjust the braces in order to ensure that the process remains consistent. Depending on your severity, you will need to wear them for at least 18 months.

Self-Litigating Braces

Self-litigating braces are quite similar to traditional metal braces, with the exception of elastic ligatures. Since this orthodontic treatment does not call for braces, it can be much easier to take good care of your oral hygiene because there are fewer obstructions than metal ones.

The state-of-the-art design utilizes unique clips on the brackets to support the archwire in shifting your teeth into place. The clips allow more freedom in the movement of the teeth, which means that the discomfort is reduced compared to other treatment options. Self-ligating brackets need small adjustments to progress through each stage of the treatment, saving time and requiring fewer trips to the orthodontist.

Depending on the situation, self-ligating braces are much easier on your teeth, reducing the amount of friction and pressure on patients who wear them. Additionally, they also treat a number of difficulties inherent to traditional ligation designs.

Clear/Ceramic Braces

Ceramic or clear braces are orthodontic tools that help with fixing the teeth’s misalignment and bite issues. It is made out of clear or tooth-colored ceramic brackets that are adhered to the teeth’s surface with wires and rubber bands that are similar in color, providing more discretion.

Because the amount of time needed to treat the problems with your teeth using either ceramic or metal braces is more or less the same, the component of the two orthodontic devices is the only major difference. It will depend on your preference. 


Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that fixes the teeth’s alignment without the need for metal braces. Clear aligners exert gentle pressure on the teeth, moving them into their proper positions over time. They are less noticeable than metal braces and are removable, which is why a lot of adults prefer this orthodontic treatment. 


Retainers are another form of orthodontic treatment, typically used during the final stage of the treatment, and can either be fixed or removable. A retainer holds the teeth while the bones and gums have moved to new positions. You’re able to straighten your teeth permanently if you wear a retainer consistently.

Orthodontics for Adults

Which Orthodontic Treatment is Best For Me?

In order to determine the best orthodontics for adults, you will need to schedule a consultation with an orthodontist. So that they can inspect your teeth and give you the proper diagnosis and recommendation.

Keep in mind that all orthodontic treatments are equal. What may work for others may not necessarily benefit you. However, after reading the different types of orthodontic treatment for adults. In this article, you may already have a preferred treatment. Consulting an orthodontist will give you more insight and clarity as they can let you know whether the treatment option suits you.

The Best Orthodontics for Adults in Brooklyn

Hanson Place Orthodontics offers a complimentary consultation. You can pay a visit to our office and get a full examination, and talk about the possible orthodontic options with our reliable orthodontist. To begin with our hassle-free process, simply follow the prompts on our online request form to start your online examination. Our staff will contact you to proceed from there. It’s really that simple!

Orthodontic treatment has a lot of treatment options. The orthodontists at Hanson Place can recommend the treatment plan that’s most suited to you as an adult. Whether that will be traditional braces, Invisalign, clear braces, lingual braces, or even surgical options will depend on the dental issues that you have.

You can also use our appointment request form to request an appointment. For our address, phone number, office hours information, and directions, please visit our contact page. We are also on Facebook and Instagram, where you can connect with us to be updated with news and information.


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