Invisalign Williamsburg

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How Does Invisalign Work?

The Invisalign system consists of clear aligner trays that are made up of smooth, lightweight plastic. Each set of aligners is worn for approximately 2 weeks until it is swapped out for the next set of aligners in the series. Clear aligners only work while they are being worn, so it is important to be responsible for your treatment to avoid longer treatment times and additional visits to a Williamsburg orthodontist.

Is Invisalign Comfortable?

Invisalign is made from a lightweight plastic material that is made to custom-fit precisely on your teeth. When first wearing a new set of aligners, there may be some slight discomfort or irritation, but this only means that your treatment is working effectively. Although, patients find Invisalign to be significantly more comfortable than braces. Furthermore, there are also multiple products that are meant to make clear aligners more comfortable such as an emery board or orthodontic wax.

What Foods Can You Eat With Invisalign?

Invisalign allows you to continue enjoying all of your favorite foods! Metal braces restrict your diet for the entire duration of treatment. This can cause complications such as food getting stuck or brackets breaking. Invisalign in Williamsburg offers freedom during treatment and can be removed whenever necessary. This also makes brushing and cleaning much easier than any other treatment option.

How Is Invisalign Different Than Braces?

invisalign williamsburg nyUnlike traditional braces, Invisalign treatment is clear and removable. Aligner trays are made of lightweight, smooth plastic, eliminating the use of metal brackets and wires. Each set of aligners is custom-made for a perfect fit and maximum comfort. In addition, there are no diet restrictions so you can continue eating and brushing like normal. Invisalign is designed to fit in with your daily lifestyle.

Is Invisalign Right For Me?

Invisalign can be a great solution for both teens and adults who want a virtually invisible way to straighten their teeth. This advanced technology makes it possible to fix common orthodontic issues including overcrowding, misalignment, gaps between teeth, and malocclusions. In addition, Invisalign Teen features a discreet blue dot that notifies an Invisalign orthodontist if the aligners are being worn as prescribed.

Finding Invisalign Williamsburg NY

Dr. Hanson and our team at Hanson Place Orthodontics are experts in orthodontic treatment. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding Invisalign or Invisalign Teen in Williamsburg NY, Clinton Hill NY, Downtown Brooklyn NY, Fort Greene NY, and Park Slope NY. Contact Hanson Place Orthodontics to schedule a free consultation today. Call now (718) 622-2695.


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