How to Floss with Braces

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How to Floss with Braces

Learning how to floss with braces is not as difficult as you may think. If you have new braces or are getting them soon, this quick review and guide will be helpful. With a few tips and tricks, you’ll be able to floss like a champ in no time!

The Right Tools Make It Easy to Floss with Braces

No task is impossible when you have the correct tools. Working around the wires on your braces to floss is no different. The task will initially take you around 10 to 15 minutes. Once you become familiar with the procedure it will only take a little longer than normal flossing without your braces.

The first tool we recommend is a floss threader. This little loop tool works very much like the sewing needle threader that your grandma uses. It is a tiny loop that helps guide the floss under or over the archwire to allow you to floss to the gum line easily.

The floss you use can be regular, waxed, flavored, or even dental tape. The key is to use it. So pick your favorite.

Although not floss, we also recommend having an interdental brush. You may also hear these called proxy brushes. They are tiny brushes that fit easily under the archwire on your braces. They allow you to brush away stuck-on food particles from the bottom, top, and sides of the brackets.

While some will claim that these brushes can be used instead of floss, we recommend a combination of both interdental brushes and floss. Floss is the best way to remove plaque and tartar to keep your mouth fresh and clean.

How to Floss with Braces — Perfecting Your Technique

The first step is to assemble your tools. This includes your floss, floss threader, and a mirror. Some people floss before brushing, some after. Keeping your normal routine is fine. There are arguments for each, but the most important thing is that you floss at least once daily.

If you don’t have a floss threader, you must manually thread the floss over or beneath the archwire to floss correctly. It’s a little more difficult, but not impossible.

The process of flossing with braces begins with a strand of floss about 12 to 18 inches long. Thread the floss through the loop in your floss threader, pushing about 5 inches through the threader. Insert the point of the threader under or over the archwire, pulling it through so the floss stays in place as you remove the threader.

Floss the spaces between all teeth as you normally would. Be sure to get around the teeth and to the gum line. Repeat this process until you have flossed around all your teeth, top and bottom.

This video shows the process. If you have any questions, please be sure to contact Hanson Place Orthodontics.

What Happens If You Skip Flossing?

If you skip flossing one day, likely nothing will happen aside from a touch of bad breath and maybe a sour taste in your mouth. However, if you skip repeatedly, you may end up with much more tooth decay than you would normally expect.

When the doctor affixes brackets to your teeth and adds the archwire, they create a lot of extra nooks and crannies where plaque can hide. Leaving this plaque and food particles on your teeth can accelerate tooth decay. Flossing is even more important with braces.

So, skipping a day periodically is not a reason to panic, but skipping several days is not a good plan. Floss is inexpensive. If you go on a trip and forget yours, pop into the nearest store and get more. We recommend that you floss with braces at least once daily, although more is never bad.

Using a Water Flossing Device

Many people choose to use a water flossing device such as a Waterpik® rather than regular dental floss. Although this device is much easier to use and can be very effective, you should still floss with dental floss in addition to using the water flossing device.

Although different flossing devices may have slightly different features, the general process for using them remains the same.

Begin by filling the reservoir with lukewarm water. Mouthwash can be added if you desire the flavoring or the antibacterial properties. Insert the tapered tip into the flossing handle. Test the water pressure by squirting a small amount into the sink and adjust as necessary.

Insert the tip of the device into your mouth, lean over the sink, and turn the machine on. Closing your mouth around the tip of the device will keep water from splashing everywhere. Guide the water around and between all your teeth, front, back, and tops. Include your brackets and wires to dislodge food particles that may be caught in the nooks and crannies. Be sure to clean the gum line. Allow water to drain as you work the flossing tip around your mouth.

You Still Need Regular Dental Checkups

Many people ask if they should continue seeing their regular dentist during braces treatment. The answer is yes. Your dentist knows how to work around the appliance to perform your regular cleaning. Please, continue seeing your regular dentist for checkups and cleanings while you are wearing your braces.

DIY Braces Maintenance Kit

Braces are very strong, but also fragile. On occasion, you may experience a broken or detached wire, a detached bracket, or other problem. It is important that you contact Hanson Place Orthodontics if you experience problems with your hardware. We recommend making a tool kit to keep with you to correct problems with your hardware.

Most of the items in this list are already in your house. You should clean the tweezers and clippers with alcohol to sanitize them. The kit can be stored in a zippered baggie and kept in your backpack, purse, or briefcase. The items that you will find handy are:

  • Clean tweezers
  • Interdental brushes
  • Dental wax
  • Floss threaders
  • Dental floss
  • A new pencil with an unused eraser
  • Clean fingernail clippers

Although you may never need these tools, you will be glad you took a few minutes to assemble this kit if you do have an emergency.

Call Hanson Place Orthodontics If You Have Questions

We hope you found this information helpful. Hanson Place Orthodontics wants you to have the best experience possible, but if you have additional questions, please contact our office at (917) 423-7630. You may also text 24/7 at (917) 601-6623.

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